Manma to Damasareru (まんまと騙される - Being Totally Deceived)

Sep 15, 2018 08:19
Manma to Damasareru

Yesterday, I was totally deceived. This situation is expressed as 'manma to damasareta' (まんまと騙された) in Japanese.

'Damasareru' (騙される - meaning "to be deceived") is a passive voice of the verb 'damasu' (騙す - meaning "to deceive").

In addition, 'manma to' (まんまと) is an adverb that means "beautifully" or "successfully."

Previously, I introduced you to the baby word 'manma' (まんま), meaning "meal," but its etymology is different from the one of the adverb 'manma.'

It is thought that the adverb 'manma' comes from 'uma uma' (うまうま), which means "good" or "successful."


「騙される」は「騙す」の受身形で、"to be deceived" を意味します。



No. 1 outdoors's correction
I’m wondering what you were totally deceived about..
To tell you the truth, it was a kind of trivial matters. I referred to the traffic information on the Internet, but it was wrong and I got lost, haha.